Audrey Ignatoff, President of Senior Arts and Systems, is a medical and forensic sociologist who has worked as a health care administrator, researcher, author, consultant, and seminar provider. She has been an advocate fo the disabled and seniors for many years.
She was the Coordinator for the New York State Subcommittee on Drug Misuse for the Elderly, and also as a seminar provider for Local 1199 Health Care Union in New York City for hospitals and nursing homes. She has developed and presented many health related seminars for professionals, consumers, patients, and caregivers.
Ms. Ignatoff has published many articles and several books including "Saving Terri Schiavo" for The Human Life Review, Remembering Terri Schiavo: Reflections of a Health Care Warrior, The New Underground Railroad: Health Care Warriors, Preventing Drug Misue in Seniors: A Training and Resource Manual, "Let's Win the War on Bullying" for Not ead Yet, and "Welcome Anti-bullying Law in New Jersey," for Renew America.
Programs and Legislation
- Preventing Medication Misuse in Seniors for New York State
- Worked on first drug tracking system for pharmacies with Albany College of Pharmacy
- Seminar Consultant on Aging and Disabled, including for Local 1199
- Legislation for Handicapped Bathrooms (Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and ADA)
- Delegate to the New York State Governor's Conference on Aging, 1981
- The Nursing Home Reform Law (OBRA 87')
- Consultant on the Terri Schiavo Case (Terrri's Law 2003)
- Helped to save Greek's Playland, an amusement park for disabled
- Invited to the Whitehouse and presented with an award for assisting with the Terri Schiavo Case (2005)
- Author of many articles and books about disabled and aging
- Consultant and expert witness for The Forensis Group on cases of bullying, disabled, and, ursing homeabuse, and seniors
- Worked on Anti bullying Bill with Assemblyman Dan Benson of New Jersey